The nissan gtr-r35 is categorized as a supercar, i dare not say nissan claimed it but i have heard it from other nissan skyline's fans. well to be frank with all of you supercars lovers i have to admit that this Godzilla is a better car in terms of its performance compared to my beloved ferrari.. the fact that it can accelerate from O-100km/h in just 3.5 second minus the usage of its latest launch control and again it is engine capacity is 3.5? typical japanese huh? hehe.. well overall i think the Gtr-35 is a good car in terms of its performance and it has a captivating design as well. despite all of that, personally to categorize the Nissan Gtr-35 as a supercar is quite impossible . to me, supercars isnt just about its performances , the uniqueness and the exclusiveness of the car are the essential factors. Overall it is still a good car though.
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